中国日报5月11日电 位于长江下游的中国南京和位于东非大裂谷一带的肯尼亚纳库鲁,虽然相距万里,却因一座实验室而紧紧相连。
Despite being thousands of miles apart, Nanjing, located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China, and Nakuru, Kenya, located in the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, are closely connected by a laboratory.The China-Kenya Joint Laboratory for Crop Molecular Biology, jointly constructed by Nanjing Agricultural University and Egerton University in Kenya, is East Africa's most advanced molecular biology laboratory.What part does the laboratory play in assisting Africa with food security? How do Chinese experts fit into this? How does the lab help university professors, students, and people in other parts of Africa? Check the video to find out.
原文链接:打破万里距离:中肯合作促进非洲粮食安全 - 中国日报网 (chinadaily.com.cn)